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First of all, know that using commands can slow down huge batch downloads (a recent computer may need from 100ms to 1s more per image, which is very consequent).

Install a web server and MyImouto

Please follow the instructions on MyImouto's wiki to install everything:

Install cURL


Download cURL from here (take the 32 or 64 bit version depending on your system). Choose "Generic" and "Any" for the next options. You'll then get a list of packages, you can take the first. This will make you download a 7z file, that, once extracted, will contain the curl.exe binary in its bin folder. Just copy all the contents of the bin folder into Grabber's installation folder, so that curl.exe and Grabber.exe are in the same place.

Other operating systems

cURL is very likely already installed on UNIX systems. If it is not, it must be in your package manager with the package name curl.

Grabber settings

Launch Grabber, then open the options window and go to the "Commands" part.

There, you should empty everything. The only value you need to set is for the "Image" field:

curl -F "user[name]=YOUR_USERNAME" -F "user[password]=YOUR_PASSWORD" -F "post[tags]=%all:includenamespace,separator= ,unsafe%" -F "post[rating]=%rating%" -F "post[file]=@%path:nobackslash%" http://localhost:3000/post/create

Make sure to replace the placeholders by your actual username and password.

Now, every time you save an image, a copy will be created in your local booru!