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If your language is not available for the program, or not up-to-date, you can add or edit it pretty easily. The goal of this page is to tell you how to do this.


Please only send translations for official use if you're native or bilingual in that language

Using Crowdin

Crowdin is the preferred way to translate Grabber, as well as the easiest and most convenient.

Register as a translator

  1. Go to Crowdin.
  2. Login, either by creating a new account or using one of your existing accounts (for example a GitHub account).
  3. Click the language you'd like to translate.
  4. Click the "Join" button (note that you won't see the "Join" button if you're not logged in).
  5. You'll be asked for a short introduction about why you can and want to translate Grabber. Don't forget to tell me which languages you want to translate, so that you can be given the proper access.

Once done, your application will be reviewed as soon as possible, and if approved you'll be able to access to the language's translation interface.


  1. Go to Crowdin.
  2. Click the language you'd like to translate.
  3. Click the "Translate all" button.
  4. Fill-up the "Enter translation here" part, then mark item as done (by clicking "Save", or Ctrl + Return).

You can find more information about translating with Crowdin in the official getting started and online editor documentation pages.

Using an offline editor

Download Qt Linguist and lrelease

The software used to write translations for Grabber is Qt Linguist. You can also use any other software that support Qt's .ts files, such as POEdit.

Qt Linguist and lrelease are included in Grabber's translation tools. Just download them and unzip them somewhere.

Note that even if you don't use Qt Linguist, you'll need lrelease in order to build your translations into a file usable by Grabber.

How to create a new translation file

  1. Download "YourLanguage.ts" from GitHub here. The translation file for the Crash Reporter can be found here.
  2. Rename it by the name of your language in English, for example "German" (so the file will be called "German.ts").
  3. Launch Qt Linguist.
  4. Open ("File > Open..." or Ctrl + O) your translation file.
  5. A new window will pop up: for the source language's language, set English, and for the country USA (you can also leave the default value). For the target language and country, just put here your language and country (in the previous example, German from Germany).

Editing an existing translation

  1. Launch Qt Linguist.
  2. Open ("File > Open..." or Ctrl + O) the language file you want to update.



If you understand another language (such as French) as well or better than English, you can also open it: it will then show both French and English versions when asking you for a translation.

Now that you're ready, all that's left is to actually get translating!

  1. There is a part in the window with five fields: "Source text", "'Your language' translation" and "'Your language' translator comments".
  2. Fill-up the "'Your language' translation" part, then mark item as done ("Translation > Done and Next", the green tick button, or Ctrl + Return).
  3. Once all the translations have been marked as done, save and quit.
  4. Drag and drop your translation file on "lrelease.exe".
  5. Another file will be created : "'Your language'.qm". Move it to the "languages" directory in the Grabber's installation folder (by default "%ProgramFiles(x86)%/Grabber").
  6. You can now choose your language in the options! Note that it may need a restart for all texts to be properly translated.

You can find more information about translating with Qt Linguist in the official Qt documentation.

Sending the result

Once finished, you can either send me a mail with your translation file (the .ts one) at [email protected], so I will add your translation to the officially supported languages!

You can also open a new issue and upload the translation file in it. I will then close the issue once your language is included in the program.

Another option is to send a pull request on the project, if you know how to do so. I will then review and merge it.