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Installing Grabber on MacOS

Via Homebrew

  1. Install Homebrew
  2. Add the Grabber tap using the command:
    brew tap Bionus/imgbrd-grabber
  3. Install the Grabber cask using the command:
    brew install imgbrd-grabber

Via the DMG

  1. Go to the latest release here
  2. Download the .dmg file
  3. Open the .dmg file
  4. Drag and drop the file to your Applications directory
  5. Eject and remove the .dmg file
  6. Launch Grabber via Launchpad


Grabber is not a verified Apple application, so you might get a "the developer cannot be verified" error. In that case, you should open Finder, go to your Applications directory, then right click then choose "Open". Then, you'll be able to choose "Open" to start Grabber anyway. You only need to do this once. More information here.